Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Assignment3 Submission

GH Program:

12 Interactives:

Change by shape
Change by surface geometry
Change by orientation
Final Digital Model:
Site view
Day view
Night view
Indoor view
Bottom to top
Physical Model:


Week 11 Tasks

This is the view from bottom to the top of my building. As can be seen, hexagons are changed according to the path of the edges.
This is what it looks like from inside.

Draft Poster

Week 10 Tasks

This is a trial image of mobius strip. In these two objectives, I change the orientation of the strip to create two different sense of architecture. One is more public and on the contrast, the other one is more private.

Geometry on the Surface:
According to my research and analysis in assignment2, I decide to continue use hexagon as the surface geometry of my building. One option I've think of is to change the scale of the hexagon to make it diversified, another option I've think of is to change the arrangement of the hexagons to make it interacted by the edge of the Mobius Strip.

Lazer Cutting:
Instead of using lazer cutting, I decide to use 3D printing to demonstrate the surface hexagons as well as the beautiful shape of Mobius Strip.
In terms of material, I wanna select a white material which looks like concrete.

Week 9 Tasks

Chosen Site:
Site 3: The corner of Crown Street and Cathedral Street.

Mobius Strip

Consider the landscape of the site which is the end of Crown Street and the entry of Sydney City, this site acts like a circulation. Thus, loop like Mobius Strip should be suitable for the base of my design.

Mobius House:
This house is already be built and can be a reference for me to cope with the space in the strip and how to extend the concept surface into a solid space.